Wouldn't it be wonderful if awareness that love is the solution went viral? Imagine people all over the world connecting with each other in a spirit of love and kindness. It's something to aim for and "Drops of Love" can help you to get the message out in your local community.

For this, We're offering a couple of designs that you can print and share in your community..

Think of yourself as a love ambassador, with the potential of spreading love wherever you go. The drop cards  you see here are like business cards that you can access for free as a PDF and take to a printer to make copies to drop around town.

As mentioned in The Solution, here are some places you could drop cards:

  • In books at the library or a bookstore
  • On store shelves
  • In pockets at a clothing store
  • On a busy sidewalk
  • At a restaurant
  • Just about any place where people go

The key is to use your imagination and enjoy sharing the love.

Engage the children in your life in creating their own “Drops of Love,” and displaying them in the town or city. Our children are our future and something that gives us hope is our natural inclinations. Young children accept each other equally. They love hearts and they love love.

Imagine what might happen if thousands of adults and children share our loving hearts with our communities all around the world. All it takes is a desire to be the change we wish to see as creators of a more loving world where happiness reigns.

Hearts can make a difference anywhere and everywhere. So can a simple smile and caring connection with friends and strangers alike. Heart images make most people feel good. As more of us share the love with those around us, more connections can be made, and more love can flow.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed,
it is the only thing that ever has.”

- Margaret Mead